Spoon: What ETLs are using this connection?

by Andrew Cave
August 26, 2017
pink plastic spoon on pink and white polka dot textile
The week before last I delivered the Pentaho DI1000 training to a group to our North Sydney office and I got asked a question that (it turned out) had an easy answer. And as with a lot of things, I hadn’t read it, somebody had told me.

The question was: When I’m using a shared database connection, what other ETLs are using it too?

While connected to the repository, and with a transformation open, change to the ‘View’ tab in the Explorer panel (on the left)

Bring up the context-menu on the database connection (I’m using the built-in Agile connection here)

Choose ‘Show dependencies’ and the list of ETLS in the repository that are using it appear.

Portrait of Maxx Silver
Andrew Cave

Andrew Cave is a senior data engineer with BizCubed. He has worked in network data, billing, telco credit and debt after a career in the welfare sector. He loves databases. Follow him on LinkedIn

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