Why We Blog – A Commitment to Our Core

by Maxx Silver
January 18, 2021
Picture of journal
The holidays are a time to relax, enjoy time with family, and catch up on our long to-do lists. At BizCubed, we isolate this period in our cadence and call it “The Christmas Quarter” – a neutral space during which we prioritise strategy and professional development.

This is how I found myself down the rabbit hole of BizCubed’s blog archives. I had it in my mind that I was going to use the extra time to catalogue every blog post since the dawn of BizCubed Time – only to learn that we have published no fewer than 140 posts in our 14-year history. The volume of posts surprised me and got me wondering – how is it that in the face of all the competitive pressures of business that BizCubed has continued to prioritise writing and sharing content over the years?

BizCubed blogs for lots of reasons – we believe it adds value to our network and raises awareness of our offering. But if it was simply about adding value and raising awareness, this blog would not have lasted. The real reason we blog is because it’s an expression of one of our core values, “Teach and Learn”.

At BizCubed, our core values are more than management fluff – we hire and fire on them and reference them every day. The roots of our belief in teaching and learning are grounded in evolution and progress. We feel duty-bound to improve, grow, and leave our community better than we found it. We believe that teaching is a noble act, and that learning is the most efficient path towards progress.

Whilst the problems of the world are complex and unwieldy, we recall the old adage of how one ought to eat an elephant – one bite at a time. Eventually, a small repetitive effort becomes a habit, and the habits compound to produce outsized impacts. So, in 2021 we will continue our blogging practice, and I will continue to catalogue our content – one blog post at a time.

Portrait of Maxx Silver
Maxx Silver

Maxx Silver is the Business Development Manager for BizCubed. His love of people, data and building long-term partnerships makes Maxx a passionate connector of people and a driven salesperson. Follow Maxx on LinkedIn

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