by Andrew Cave | Oct 11, 2023 | BizCubed, Data Engineering, Security, Thought Piece
Human error poses a significant risk to cybersecurity. One IBM study traced 95% of breaches back to mistakes made by individuals. Whether it’s sharing sensitive information via insecure channels, falling for phishing emails, or neglecting software updates, such...
by Andrew Cave | Apr 20, 2020 | Data Engineering, Fun and Interesting, How To, Pentaho
This is part 2 of the post about using a Pentaho CTools Community Dashboard Editor (CDE) form to send data to a Pentaho transformation (see Part 1) . This means that we can use a CDE form to allow users to put data into the Pentaho system and it can be used for...
by Andrew Cave | Apr 14, 2020 | Data Engineering
This is a Part 1 of a simple tutorial for using a Community Dashboard Editor (CDE) form in the Pentaho BA server to end data and pass it to a Pentaho transformation for storage/processing. See Part 2 for building the back-end handler First create a New CDE Dashboard...
by Andrew Cave | Jul 23, 2019 | How To, Pentaho, Resources, Training
A common technique to restrict access in Pentaho Report Designer is use the variable ‘${env::username}’ in queries. This is replaced with the currently logged in username on the server and allows group memberships/rows access to be identified at the...
by Andrew Cave | Sep 3, 2018 | How To, Main Blog, News, Pentaho, Resources, Training, Uncategorized
Pentaho Enterprise and Community Editions offer the Scheduling tool to enable jobs to be set to run at certain times on a repeatable basis. At the moment, while the schedule is viewable, there is no built-in method for extracting the schedules for reporting or...