Meet the women of BizCubed – Buddy (Mousaidna) Rosario

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Marking IWD 2024 by spotlighting female team members

In honour of International Women’s Day, BizCubed is shining a spotlight on female team members. We’re asking about their experience at BizCubed and their thoughts on IWD.  Today we hear from Data Engineer Buddy Rosario.

Q. Tell us how you came to work at BizCubed.
completed a computer engineering degree in the Philippines and began working as a programmer and then software engineer. I liked the idea of going into application support and thought it would be a growth and development opportunity.

I moved to Australia and completed a Master’s degree in Information and Communication Technology (Advanced). When I then went looking for employment, I joined BizCubed as a Junior Data Engineer and, after two years, was promoted to Data Engineer. During that time I learned the BizCubed data engineering methodology gained six specialised certificates for Pentaho, Amazon Web Services and Tableau Server implementations. I built my data engineering skills, and also developed my skillset across business analysis, project management and customer service.

I consider myself a lifelong learner, and now I enjoy training and enabling new teammates in data engineering and the BizCubed ways and values.

Q. How is your role at BizCubed different to your previous roles?
My previous role was in software engineering, but data is fascinating and it’s a very competitive industry. My experience with application support gave me a head start in the data space.

Q. How do you see diversity at BizCubed?
At BizCubed we emphasise having a diverse team – including diversity of skill sets, and we train and establish processes so that team members can quickly rotate in out and of different roles easily.

Q. Do you feel a sense of equality and egalitarianism at BizCubed? Do you feel that BizCubed invests in its employees equally?
What I love about working at BizCubed is that there are equal opportunities for everyone. Equal opportunities for people regardless of background, religion, gender, or diversity. BizCubed provides limitless opportunities to anyone who is open to learning and growing. Also, I enjoy the way we work together, rather than separately.

What separates us from other companies? Our values are integral to everything we do and that is something our clients love about us. Taking responsibility is an important part of the way we work, and that includes taking the responsibility to train and empower others to instil those same values.

Q. Do you have a perspective on IWD that you would like to share?
When I think about investing in women – the theme of IWD – I think that the way BizCubed does this is by providing opportunities to anyone who wants to learn how to do the job of data engineering. Everyone can relate and do the work if they are passionate, interested and embrace diversity.

Mousaidna Rosario
Buddy (Mousaidna) Rosario

Mousaidna is a Data Engineer at BizCubed. You can follow her on LinkedIn

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